Where It Is People That Matter


Useful Tips For Potential Tenants And Natural Persons

8 Nov 2017

Useful tips for Potential Tenants Natural Persons

- Maintain a clean credit profile, rental application includes screening, via a Credit Bureau.

- Save up for deposit plus first rental, this is an upfront payment, which is required, before hand over of keys of the property which you wish to rent.

- Under most circumstances the monthly rental amount excludes: Water & Sanitation; Electricity and Refuse, all of which you liable to pay monthly, over and above your rental payment. Always ask the landlord/agent what other costs are involved.

- Not forgetting your living expenses: Calculate all cost e.g. food; travel expense; clothing; cell phone; (if school going children are involved - all of their school expenses) etc. before you sign the lease agreement. Defaulting on rental payments, is  bridge of contract  and has serious implications.

- Qualifying salary = 3 x monthly rental amount, equates to you falling in the affordability category (could be single or combined income). In case of joint application both applicants are screened.

- Signed Rental Application; Original Supporting Documents plus (normally listed on Rental Application form) FICA Document (proof of address) are required to, initiate the screening process. Agents have a duty to perform an accountability check, in terms of the C.P.A as well as the FICA act.

NB: No internet bank statements are allowed, you need statements from the bank with the bank's stamp on each page.

- Another very important aspect of the screening process, consists of the tenant behaviour check from your previous landlord/agent of the previous property which you leased. The outcomes of this reference check, will determine whether your application, be approved or declined.                   

- Guard against Rental Scams!. Fly by Nights/Fraudsters, poses as Rental Agents, but in actual fact they, after your deposit/monies!

NB: Do an Agent/Agency check on the EAAB Website, a suggestion is that you do this before you deposit any funds.    

Compiled by: Agent Maureen Palmer

House to House Property Sale and Rentals

8 November 2017

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